Drunk woman refuses to take alcohol tests, nabbed for disobedience: police

2020-08-12 03:07
BY admin

A local woman was arrested for refusing to undergo alcohol testing on Sunday, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Choi Iok Kin said during a regular press conference on Monday.

The suspect surnamed Ng, who is in her thirties, told the police that she works as a casino dealer.

According to Choi, the Macau Customs Service informed the Public Security Police (PSP) on Sunday morning that customs officers on patrol at about 6 a.m. in Estrada Nordeste da Taipa saw that the front of a car and three roadside railings were damaged. Ng sat in the driver’s seat and told the officers that she had lost control of her car and crashed into the railings.

When PSP officers arrived at the scene to follow up they discovered that Ng reeked of alcohol. They told Ng to take a breathalyser. Ng kept delaying the test by coming up with various excuses, and the officers finally warned that her behaviour was an act of disobedience punishable by law. Ng then agreed to proceed with the test, but she exhaled for just one or two seconds, while officers told her that the test needed her to exhale at least eight to 10 seconds. Ng told officers that she was unwell and could not complete the test, according to Choi.

Afterwards, Ng was taken to the public Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre for a blood alcohol test. Ng kept on crying and waving her arms around, which prevented the nurses from drawing her blood. Ng also hid in the women’s toilet. Ng was finally diagnosed with “acute alcohol intoxication” by a doctor. Ng admitted that she drank at a friend’s home during dinner on Saturday night and drove home the next morning, Choi said.

Ng was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Monday, facing a disobedience charge, according to Choi.

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Choi Iok Kin poses during Monday’s regular press conference. Photo: Camy Tam


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