People with disabilities join disinfecting service team

2020-09-03 03:06
BY admin

People with disabilities have been receiving training from Macau Gentlemen Limited which is now offering a disinfecting service where part of the income from the sales of the company’s disinfectant will be donated to Fuhong Society of Macau.

Fuhong said in a statement on Tuesday that Macau Gentlemen has recently disinfected the association’s rehabilitation centres, offices and buses, covering about 8,000 square metres of space, free of charge.

The statement said that the company and Fuhong are now partnering to provide training to those with disabilities but who are capable of carrying out disinfectant spraying so as to give them a chance to contribute to the community, and at the same time open up new work opportunities for them.

According to the statement, after the training the company paid allowances to three people with disabilities for carrying out their first disinfecting job on Saturday when they joined the company’s team to disinfect the lifts on the University of Macau (UM) campus with Germagic.

The statement said that the germicidal technology, developed by a Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) research team, is a multilevel antimicrobial polymer coating that is effective in killing viruses, bacteria and hard-to-kill spores, and can inactivate up to 99.9 percent of highly infectious viruses such as measles, mumps and rubella, and 99.99 percent of the surrogate feline calicivirus (FCV) – a gold standard for disinfection efficiency and that is more resistant than coronaviruses such as the one responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Macau Gentlemen Limited is the authorised distributor of Germagic in Macau.

The statement added that the coating is proven by third-party tests to be non-toxic and safe for skin and the environment, and it is effective for up to 90 days.

The statement underlined part of the proceeds from the Germagic coating will be donated to Fuhong to be used for career development and vocational training for people with disabilities.

Fuhong said in the statement that it would continue to work with the company to open up work opportunities for people with disabilities and increase their self-esteem.

People who are interested in booking the disinfecting service can contact Fuhong by calling 2822 0330.

These photos provided by Fuhong Society of Macau show its members spraying Germagic to disinfect lifts on the University of Macau (UM) campus last Saturday.


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