GEG holds family fitness tour, sustainable facilities tour

2020-09-04 03:23
BY admin

GEG and Sheng Kung Hui Macau Social Services Coordination Office (SKH) recently organised a family fitness tour and sustainability DIY workshop as part of the company’s effort in promoting environmental protection and raise staff members’ environmental awareness.

The “green” activities also included a guided tour for GEG staff members to see the different sustainability facilities located at the Grand Resort Deck and back-of-house areas at Galaxy Macau, and be inspired to strengthen their commitment to environmental protection.

Following GEG’s donation of 100,000 patacas to SKH’s subsidy scheme in March for the purchase of indoor workout equipment for children to exercise at home, GEG and SKH organised a family fitness tour and sustainability DIY workshop for GEG volunteers, SKH service users and their families.

Participants walked along the Hac Sa Reservoir Fitness Trail and did warm-up exercises using equipment donated by GEG, and for the DIY workshop, GEG volunteers taught other participants how to turn an old T-shirt into a tote bag.

In addition to promoting regular exercise, the event also aimed to increase the participants’ environmental awareness.

SKH Service Director Lee Kwok Hoo said that the activities hope to encourage parents to accompany their children in experiencing nature, exercise regularly, and maintain good health.”

In addition, GEG also organised a guided tour for staff members to visit the sustainability facilities in the Grand Resort Deck, the back-of-house areas of Galaxy Hotel, and the GEG staff canteens so that they could obtain a better understanding of GEG’s commitment towards sustainability and environmental protection.

During the visit, staff members learnt about a series of sustainability initiatives that have been implemented across the property to encourage waste reduction and recycling, such as the recycling systems used in the hotels and staff canteens for more sustainable waste management; the use of automated lighting and temperature controls and the retrofitting of lights with more environmentally-friendly and highly efficient LED lights to enhance energy savings; and the optimisation of the air systems and chiller plants to reduce the overall operating duration and refrigerant utilisation.                 – gegpr

GEG volunteers show children how to turn their old T-shirt into tote bags.  Photo: GEG  


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