USJ gets new vice rector

2020-09-18 02:56
BY admin

The private Catholic University of Saint Joseph (USJ) announced in a statement yesterday the appointment of Prof. Zhang Shuguang as its vice-rector for External Relations and Institutional Development and full professor of Global Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities.

The statement pointed out that until last month, Zhang was rector and professor of the private City University of Macau, after more than two decades of “senior leadership” positions at universities in the US, the mainland and Macau.

The statement quoted USJ Rector Stephen Morgan as saying that Zhang’s “experience and energy will bring us an added dimension as the university continues to seek to offer a truly international education to students from Macau and the wider region.”

The statement notes that Zhang “is an academic of the highest reputation in the field of China-US international relations”.

Zhang was the founding director of the Centre for Chinese-American Archival Exchange and Studies of the University of Maryland, where he later served as director of the Institute of Global Chinese Affairs. He moved to Macau in 2011, as vice-president and then senior vice-president for Academic Affairs at the private Macau University of Science and Technology (MUST) in Taipa.

The University of Saint Joseph in Ilha Verde is co-owned by the Catholic diocese of Macau and the Catholic University in Lisbon. 


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