Falling canopy from high-rise seriously hurts pedestrian

2020-10-23 03:40
BY admin

An illegally set up canopy fell from the external wall of a flat of a high-rise residential building in Zape yesterday afternoon, hitting a female pedestrian who sustained serious injuries, the Fire Services Bureau (CB) said.

The victim, a local woman in her thirties, was unconscious when she was rushed to the public Conde de São Januário Hospital Centre for emergency treatment, the Public Security Police (PSP) said.

The Public Security Police said last night that the victim regained consciousness in the evening at the public hospital, where she did not need to undergo treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU).

The accident occurred at around 2 p.m. outside the I Chan Kok residential building, which is located near the PSP headquarters, when the victim was hit by the falling canopy from the flat on an upper floor when she was walking past the building.

In a statement last night, the Lands, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT) said that it is paying close attention to the accident and expressed its support to the victim.

Firefighters urged DSSOPT officials to carry out an examination of the accident site, the statement said.

The statement said that with the assistance of firefighters, DSSOPT officials removed the plaster on the external wall that was at risk of falling. After a preliminary assessment, the DSSOPT officials concluded that there is no imminent danger from the external wall of the flat, the statement said, adding that they will order the owner to remove an illegal structure. The statement did not elaborate.

The DSSOPT statement urged residents not to set up illegal structures on their flats’ external walls and balconies. The statement urged residents who have illegally set up illegal structures to have them removed as soon as possible, a procedure that requires official approval from the bureau.

The statement warned that if an illegal structure poses danger to passers-by or damage to other properties, the owner will be held criminally and civilly liable. 

Paramedics give basic treatment to a female passer-by who was hit by an illegally set up canopy yesterday afternoon that had been fallen from the external wall of a flat of I Chan Kok in Zape. Photo: Iong Tat Choi


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