DSAMA finds recyclable items at old shipyard in Lai Chi Vun

2020-10-27 03:38
BY admin

The Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA) said in a statement yesterday that its staff members had found a large amount of recyclable items at one of the old shipyards in Coloane’s Lai Chi Vun hamlet. 

According to the statement, the users of the shipyard told DSAMA officials during an inspection of the facility that due to neighbouring countries and regions’ policy arrangements and “long holidays”, it had not been possible to export the recyclable items to other areas. The statement added that was the reason why the shipyard users have been lending some of the property’s space to local recycling companies for storage. 

The statement did not elaborate on what it meant by “long holidays”. The 8-day National Day/Mid-Autumn Festival “Golden Week” holiday ended on October 8. 

The statement said that the bureau had already warned the shipyard users not to store items on the property without permission from the bureau. The statement added that the bureau has requested the users to explain what led to the situation. 


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