5-year plan may clash with urban planning law: official

2016-06-02 08:00
BY admin

The government’s Policy Research Centre Director Lao Pun Lap said yesterday that some urban planning proposed in the government’s first ever Five-Year Development Plan (2016-2020) would have to be carried out even if it may clash with the urban planning law in order to respond to residents’ urgent needs.

Lao made the remarks during a special consultative session at the World Trade Centre (Macau), where apart from Lao, Lei Ngan Leng, an advisor to the office of Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On, and Ung Hoi Ian, the vice-director of the Policy Research Office, briefed members of several advisory organs on the draft plan and gave them the opportunity to make suggestions.

The session was held for the consultative committees and councils under the portfolio of Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosario. It was open to the media.

Lam Iet Chit, a member of the government-appointed Urban Planning Council (CPU), speaks during yesterday’s consultative session for the government’s Five-Year Development Plan at the World Trade Centre. – Photo: Leong Lok Ian

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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