The Macau Post Daily recommends:

2020-11-04 02:13
BY admin

KINO – 5th German Film Festival – Macau 2020


German director Margarethe von Trotta’s remarkable film explores one of the most fascinating figures in modern European political history. Having fought for women’s rights and to revolutionise the state in early 20th century Poland and Germany, Marxist revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) formed the famous Spartacist League, later the Communist Party of Germany before her murder in Berlin aged 47.

The film traces Luxemburg’s political and moral development from journalist and author to dissenter from the party line and imprisoned pacifist. Portrayed masterfully by von Trotta regular actress Barbara Sukowa, Luxemburg’s character comes alive on screen with more depth and complexity.

West Germany, 1986, 122 minutes

In German, French and Polish with Chinese and English subtitles

The film will be shown at the Macau Cardinal Newman Centre of Cultural and Performance Arts on Saturday, November 14, at 7:30 p.m.

Ticketing website: – 70 patacas

CUT Company

A film not to be missed!


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