GEG Youth Achievement Program Cultivates Aspiring Talents 

2020-11-18 02:07
BY admin

Reach Out, Reach Beyond

Investing in talent management benefits both our employees and our society. Since 2011, Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) has been working with the Macau Management Association (“MMA”) to organize the GEG Youth Achievement Program (“YAP”), sharing the common goal of nurturing young talents aged between 18 and 29 and attracting over 3,000 participants. The theme this year is “career development,” one of the three pillars of the program aimed at inspiring youth to develop critical thinking and leadership skills through a series of diversified activities, workshops, and expertise sharing by guest speakers from different industries, schools and institutions. Recently, an opening and award ceremony was held to celebrate the launch of the 10th YAP and to acknowledge the outstanding performance of youth from the previous year. A member of the championship team of the first YAP was also invited to share his experience and encourage new members to equip themselves for future career development.

YAP Helps Local Youth Enrich Themselves and Apply Skills to Real Life Work

The 9th GEG YAP included an “Air Macau Local Crew Sharing Session on COVID-19 Efforts & Dream-Chasing”.

Kenneth Chao

Kenneth Chao, a member of the championship team of the first YAP, sees considerable growth he and his counterparts have made through the program. “I participated in a number of corporate visits and overseas study tours to immerse myself in local cultures, such as the 2012 Singapore-Asia study tour and the 2016 Brunei trip. I believe these multicultural experiences can help me tackle any possible communication challenges that I face in the future. I have also benefited from the series of diversified workshops conducted by professionals, enhanced my skills and knowledge in areas such as communications, personality analysis, and career development, which helps prepare me for my career and life planning,” he said.


Vito Ao Ieong

Vito Ao Ieong is a team member of GEG’s Facilities Management team and has joined the YAP program since 2018. “I am honored to have the opportunity to participate in the events and lectures and to explore myself through the competitions throughout the years. Teaming up with a group of like-minded friends from different industries is an unforgettable experience. It is through this program organized exclusively by GEG and MMA that we are able to develop soft skills like team work and time management skills,” he said. Vito is one of the first two Macau graduate trainees in Macau to complete the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) Scheme A program through a two-year training offered by the company, the first gaming operator in Macau accredited by HKIE to offer the Scheme “A” Training in Mechanical Engineering Discipline for graduates of Bachelor program in Electromechanical Engineering at the University of Macau. “I am very grateful to GEG, who has invested a lot of resources in talent cultivation in Macau and provided assistance in our journey towards professionalism.”


Cindy Lei

Cindy Lei, a member from this year’s championship team, said that the program has made her understand herself better. “I have become more outgoing and determined. I had a visit to the Greater Bay Area with my team and learnt the importance of building strong working relationships with others through the competition. I also had a pleasant experience with the online learning. With this approach, I can better manage my time. I can also interact with the teachers online and apply the knowledge I have gained to different aspects of my work.”

YAP Encourages Youth to Aim High

The GEG management team offers advice to members through a GEG x YAP online career talk.

The program will be improved with new elements every year, such as the leadership summer camps, and other vocational workshops with themes designed by YAP members. Members can obtain the latest information, register for events, and accumulate points for a chance to join the study tours in cities in Asia through an online mobile app to be launched soon. 

The 10th YAP Kick Started

YAP members visited different local enterprises to learn about their operation and development.

YAP organizes a series of events with new features each year, including skill development workshops and seminars as well as field trips in the Greater Bay Area and study tours in other Asian cities for members with outstanding performance. It aims to help young people create a more solid foundation for their future career by discovering their potentials, enhancing their self-confidence, and developing their social network guided by its three core pillars, namely “self-awareness’, “community care” and “career development”. The 10th YAP has officially kick-started now. Local youth aged 18-29 can join the new YAP program and all the activities for free to fully develop their talents to “Reach Out, Reach Beyond”. For more information, please visit


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