CEM holds ‘plogging’ campaign to raise environmental awareness

2020-12-04 02:01
BY admin

CEM has recently organised a ‘plogging’ event, a combination of “exercising” and “picking up litter”, to promote environmental protection.

The “Plogging with CEM” activity took place in Coloane Village on Sunday. Over 300 people signed up to join, of which 50 were picked from a lucky draw to take part in the event.

The 50 participants, aged between 3 and 71, were divided into groups after a warm-up session and briefing. Participants were each given a big bag and gloves for their “plogging” – jogging while picking up litter – through Coloane Village and the beach.

During the event, they picked up litter such as cigarette ends, plastic bottles and aluminium cans. They sorted the rubbish and put it in recycling bins when they returned to the starting point at Coloane Health Centre in Coloane Village.

Seventy-one-year-old participant surnamed Lam described the activity as innovative, a lot of fun and meaningful, because participants can keep fit while contributing to environmental protection and adopting a green and healthy lifestyle.

Lei, who joined the event with his three-year-old daughter, said that he hoped to set a good example and help raise his child’s environmental awareness at an early age.

Lei said he was happy to see his daughter being very proactive in picking up rubbish from the streets and completed the one-hour activity. Lei said didn’t realise there was an issue of littering before until he took part in the event, and hoped that people would care for the environment and keep the city rubbish-free.       

– cempr

A plogging participant puts rubbish he picked up from the streets into a bin liner held by a young girl during CEM’s recent environmental awareness activity in Coloane Village. 

Photo: CEM


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