GEG visits schools to inspire youth innovation with drone technology

2020-12-18 03:27
BY admin

Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG), which is the title-sponsor for “Popular Science Activities in Schools on Chinese Drones” has arranged visits to local schools to stimulate young people’s interest in science and innovation by introducing them to drone technology.

The programme, which is part of GEG’s effort in supporting local youth development and helps young people explore their potential, is supported by the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ).

Having paid visits to nine schools, GEG will extend the programme to 30 more schools, where pupils learn about the latest development of drones and its application in different fields through lectures, video presentation and drone shows.

During the activity, a variety of China’s new drones were presented to pupils. In addition, precision technology and the application of drones under different settings such as for medical treatment, logistics, and disaster relief were also introduced.

Pupils also had the opportunity to try controlling the drones under the guidance of technical staff. Furthermore, videos of the aerial drone light shows in different places, demonstrating how 300 drones can be arranged for a synchronised show with lasers, lights and sound effects.

Teachers and pupils said it has helped deepen their appreciation, interest, and understanding of the rapid technological advancements in China.

GEG has also been supporting STEM activities to promote STEM education in Macau, including the “RoboMaster 2020 Macau Youth Robotics Competition” held recently, and was the venue sponsor for the competition, and provided equipment and technical support.

– gegpr

Teachers and pupils watch a drone show presented by GEG staff during a school visit on inspiring young people with science, technology and innovation. 

Photo: GEG


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