“GEG Presents: Popular Science Activities in Schools on Chinese Drones” to Promote STEM Education

2020-12-23 03:28
BY admin

Galaxy Entertainment Group (GEG) believes that young people are keys to society’s future development. As such, GEG emphasizes on the concept of “education engenders a strong country”, and has been cultivating and developing local youths in multiple ways. Since last year, GEG has been contributing to Macau’s cultivation of innovative talents by promoting STEM education in Macau via the title sponsorship of the “GEG Presents: Popular Science Activities in Schools on Chinese Drones” event. This year, GEG continued to sponsor the program and arranged visits to a number of local schools to promote drone technology, scientific knowledge and to stimulate young peoples’ interests in technology and innovation, in hope of injecting new impetus into the country’s vision to become a world leader of science and technological advancement.

Drone shows.

The drone, light and music show illuminated the school halls of participating schools. Ted Tam, a student from the Escola dos Moradores de Macau, one of the participating schools, was fascinated by the show. “The drones were pre-programmed to show specific patterns, colours and images. The technology and programming behind it must have been sophisticated and I really want to know how it was done. Science and technology have developed rapidly in China in recent decades, and I really hope to have chance to visit the high tech cities in Mainland China and learn different technical skills that I can apply in the future,” he said.

Introducing drones to students.

In addition to the school activities, last year, GEG staged a breathtaking Drone Light Show at the Grand Resort Deck at Galaxy Macau™ to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macau SAR, the 70th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China, and to gear up for the “Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Macao SAR – 2019 Galaxy Entertainment Macao International Marathon”. Tourists and residents enjoyed the spectacular display of 300 aerial drones that synchronized with the lasers, lights and sound effects that lit up the night sky with a series of unique graphics.

GEG Aerial Drone Light Show at Galaxy Macau.

Elvis Wong, another student from the school, watched the Aerial Drone Light Show that GEG held last year through video during an activity lecture. He said: “It’s impressive to see so many drones flying in unison and arranging themselves into images with elements of Macau and complicated Chinese characters. The formation was so precise, it was breathtaking.” He also said that the activity has captured his interest in technological development, especially after learning that drones are becoming more common in different fields such as medical treatment, logistics, and disaster relief, etc. 

Students controlling drones with different devices.

Besides, the activity also invited students to experience the technology by controlling drones. Doris Lau, a student who participated in the experience, felt very excited. She said: “I heard about drones before, but have never tried to control one myself. The drone was controlled through somatosensory interaction with a hand strap worn on my hand. It was easy to control and fun! I believe that this kind of activity allows young people to learn more about technology and help us understand the world better.”

Broadening STEM Education with Drones

Mr. Chan Ieng Lon, Principle of the Escola Luso-Chinesa Técnico-Profissional, expressed his strong support for the school activities and said, “Drone is one of the latest technologies and can be applied to many different fields in the future. We are very pleased that the drone show supported by GEG brought students of our school closer to this technology, and that an even greater number of students can embrace technology innovation as a way to enhance their learning and career prospects.”

In addition, Mr. Xu Wen Lu, Teaching Director of the Escola dos Moradores de Macau, also said, “We thank GEG for supporting science and technology education. STEM education should not only include knowledge sharing inside the classroom, but also a wide range of activities that can broaden students’ horizons and improve their innovative thinking. These activities require the strong support of large companies such as GEG, who can help us cultivate science and technology talents.”

GEG Supports STEM Education and Nurtures Youths

RoboMaster 2020 Macau Youth Robotics Competition.

GEG is committed to supporting young talent development. This year, GEG also sponsored the “RoboMaster 2020 Macau Youth Robotics Competition” to encourage students to learn about the competition’s application of artificial intelligence.  GEG hopes to promote STEM education by supporting different STEM activities, and to raise young peoples’ awareness and interest in scientific and technological innovation.


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