Lawmaker slams proposed changes to protest rules
Suspended directly-elected lawmaker Sulu Sou Ka Hou yesterday criticised the government for its “wrong” decision of proposing an amendment bill to the existing assembly and demonstration law – under the proposed amendments, groups planning to hold an assembly or protest will be required to inform the police in advance.Sou, a vice-president of the non-establishment New Macau Association (NMA), made the remarks during an annual press conference about the group’s planned activities for
March 14, 2018
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Cabbie keeps passenger’s laptop: police
A taxi driver kept a passenger’s laptop that had been left in his cab, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Fong Cheong Chun said yesterday during a regular press conference.Fong identified the suspect as a 57-year-old man surnamed Lei while the victim is a 20-year-old woman from the mainland surnamed Li.According to Fong, Li got into the taxi in Avenida Doutor Mário Soares and asked to be taken to the Barrier Gate checkpoint on February 10. After getting out of the taxi, she realised that
March 14, 2018 | BY admin
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Legislature’s car park project to start in H2: govt
The Lands, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT) said in a statement yesterday that it expects the construction of an underground car park project outside the Legislative Assembly (AL) building in the Nam Van Lake area to get off the ground in the second half of this year.The bureau unsealed bids submitted by nine construction companies for the design and construction of the project yesterday.The plan for the project released by the bureau last year shows that the car park will be built
March 14, 2018 | BY admin
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Macau’s youth don’t think they are as good as mainlanders: survey
Local youths feel that they are not as good as their mainland counterparts in terms of creativity, flexibility, learning ability, and professional competence, according to the findings of a survey about young Macau people’s job prospects on the mainland.The survey was conducted by the Macau Youth Federation last year. The findings were released in a press conference on the federation’s premises in the city centre yesterday.The survey aimed to look into the views of local youths aged between
March 13, 2018 | BY admin
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Movers throw chairs off balcony: police
Two home removal company workers were nabbed yesterday for throwing chairs off the balcony of a flat at Largo de Santo Antonio recently, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Fong Cheong Chun said during a regular press conference yesterday.Fong said the police had noticed a video circulating online about chairs being thrown off the balcony on the second floor of a flat in the area. An investigation led the police to the two suspects.According to Fong, the suspects are a 67-year-old local man
March 13, 2018 | BY admin
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2 men pickpocket 16 women’s mobile phones: police
The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested two mainlanders on Saturday for pickpocketing 16 women’s mobile phones, PJ spokesman Choi Ian Fai said during a special press conference yesterday.Choi identified the two suspects as a 38-year-old surnamed Meng and a 36-year-old surnamed Qin – both from the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.According to Choi, a woman reported to the Judiciary Police on January 19 that her mobile phone worth 5,500 patacas had been stolen. After scrutinising CCTV footage, PJ
March 13, 2018 | BY admin
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Tanzanian arrested for robbery: police
A man from Tanzania has been arrested for his alleged involvement in a robbery, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chan Cho Man said during a regular press conference yesterday.According to Chan, the suspect is a 23-year-old surnamed Walles while the victim is a male non-resident worker in his forties whose surname was not revealed.Chan said that on early Saturday morning the victim was drinking at a bar in Zape. After becoming drunk the victim and two female friends left the bar at around 6 a.m.
March 13, 2018 | BY admin
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Lawmakers suspect ‘illegal’ smoking lounges at Wynn Palace
Four lawmakers-cum-unionists urged the government yesterday to ensure that gaming operators always strictly obey the anti-smoking law and, consequently, always ensure that gamblers do not smoke in no-smoking areas on their premises.The four legislators, Ella Lei Cheng I, Leong Sun Iok, Lam Lon Wai and Lei Chan U, all of them from the Macau Federation of Trade Unions (commonly known as Gung Luen), also said they suspected that Wynn Palace in Cotai has illegally set up smoking lounges in its
March 13, 2018 | BY admin
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Man sexually abuses drunk woman in hotel: police
The Judiciary Police (PJ) arrested a man from the mainland on Sunday for sexual intercourse with a drunken woman from the mainland incapable of resistance on Saturday, PJ spokesman Chan Cho Man said during a regular press conference yesterday.According to Chan, the suspect faces possible arraignment on a charge of sexual abuse of a person incapable of resistance.According to the Macau Penal Code, the sexual abuse of a person incapable of resistance can lead to a prison term of between one and
March 13, 2018 | BY admin
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National lawmakers back unlimited presidential terms
BEIJING – The nation’s lawmakers yesterday passed a historic constitutional amendment abolishing a presidential two-term limit that will enable President Xi Jinping and his successors to rule indefinitely.The amendment upends a system enacted by Deng Xiaoping in 1982.Voting among the National People’s Congress’ (NPC) nearly 3,000 deputies began in the mid-afternoon, with Xi leading members of the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) seven-member Politburo Standing Committee in casting
March 12, 2018 | BY admin
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New book focuses on Macau’s BRI role
A book launched last month by the private Macau International Institute (IIM) focuses on the role of Macau and the world’s eight Portuguese-speaking countries in the nation’s Belt und Road Initiative (BRI).According to the 129-page book’s preface by veteran local Portuguese journalist Gonçalo César de Sá, “We hope that this book will give readers a clear understanding of the Belt and Road Initiative and help them in their investment decision as they position themselves to be part of
March 12, 2018 | BY admin
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Speaker ‘doesn’t know yet’ whether to run for CE
Legislative Assembly (AL) President Ho Iat Seng says he “doesn’t know yet” whether he will run in next year’s chief executive election.The current five-year term of Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On, who was re-elected in 2014, will end on December 19, 2019. According to Article 48 of the Macau Basic Law, the chief executive “may serve for not more than two consecutive terms.”Ho, who is attending the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress in Beijing, made the
March 12, 2018 | BY admin
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Forum questions govt’s determination for anti-flood projects
Guest speakers and members of the audience at yesterday’s Macau Forum urged the government to come up with a timetable as to when its long-term flood-prevention projects will finally get off the ground.They also wondered whether the government can push ahead with its flood prevention projects as previously promised.The weekly open-air debate is hosted by government-owned broadcaster TDM in Areia Preta Park every Sunday.Guest speakers and audience members attend TDM’s Macau Forum in Areia
March 12, 2018 | BY admin
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Birthing fee hike should target tourists, not workers: group
The Health Bureau’s (SSM) proposal to raise the fees for its childbirth services at the public Conde de Sao Januario Hospital Centre should target tourists, not non-resident workers, George Yeong Chun Tak, director of the local Peduli Indonesian Migrant Workers Concern Group, said yesterday.Yeong made the remarks during an interview on the sidelines of one of the activities celebrating International Women’s Day in Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida. Dozens of Indonesian and
March 12, 2018 | BY admin
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2 snakeheads & 4 IIs busted by Customs
The Macau Customs Service said in a statement that its officers busted an illegal immigration case yesterday.In the small hours of yesterday, the Customs Service was notified by its mainland counterpart about a suspicious blue boat moving towards the Gate of Understanding – near Barra – off the coast of the peninsula. A Customs Service speedboat was deployed to intercept the vessel, according to the statement.The statement said that customs officers caught a female and three male illegal
March 12, 2018 | BY admin
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