Procurement law changes aim for transparency: Leong
Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tac said yesterday that the government’s plan to amend a decree-law regulating the government’s procurement of goods and services aims to improve the transparency of the government’s procurement procedures.Leong attended a plenum in the legislature’s hemicycle which discussed a debate motion by directly-elected lawmaker Mak Soi Kun on the procurement issue.The legislature passed Mak’s debate motion last month, which questioned whether
May 23, 2017
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Govt to give up to 480,000 patacas to each ex-live poultry vendor: IACM chief
The Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) has decided to give 240,000 to 480,000 patacas as a one-off payment to each former live poultry vendor, the bureau’s President Jose Fonseca Tavares said yesterday.However, Leong Men Lap, who chairs the Macau Live Poultry Vendors Association, told reporters that most vendors who attended yesterday’s meeting thought that the amount was “too small”.Tavares made the remarks after a closed-door meeting with representatives of the now-defunct live
May 23, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt to raise parking meter rates from next month
Transport Bureau (DSAT) Director Lam Hin San yesterday announced an increase in the city’s parking meter rates beginning on June 17, according to an executive order promulgated yesterday.Lam made the announcement during a special press conference at the bureau’s headquarters.The parking rates for light vehicles with a parking limit of an hour currently costing 6 patacas and a parking limit of two hours now costing 2 patacas an hour will be hiked to 10 patacas and 6 patacas per hour
May 23, 2017 | BY admin
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‘Noticeable rise’ in phone scams: security chief
The total number of reported scams increased 28.8 percent year on year to 219 in the first quarter, Secretary for Security Wong Sio Chak said yesterday, noting a “noticeable rise” in the number of reported phone scams which rose from 9 in the first three months of last year to 22 in the same period this year.Addressing a press conference about the city’s first-quarter crime figures at the Secretariat for Security (GSS) in the S. Francisco Barracks, Wong said phone scams had made a
May 23, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt backs taxi fare hike: cabbie group
The Transport Bureau (DSAT) has agreed that taxi fares can be increased although the government has yet to determine by how much, Macau Taxi Drivers Mutual Association President Tony Kuok Leong Son said yesterday.Kuok make the remarks while speaking to reporters yesterday on the sidelines of a public event organised by the Macau Federation of Trade Unions (commonly known as Gung Luen) at the Workers Stadium next to the Barrier Gate checkpoint.The event, Workers’ Competition Day, involved
May 22, 2017 | BY admin
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Govt to publish domestic violence report in September
The Social Affairs Bureau (IAS) will publish its first report in September about its findings on domestic violence cases, Daniel Tang Yuk Wa, who heads the bureau’s Family and Community Services Department, said yesterday.The Law on Preventing and Combating Domestic Violence came into force in October last year.According to previous media reports, the bureau announced early this month that it will publish data about domestic violence cases every six months, such as the financial situation of
May 22, 2017 | BY admin
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Group doubts ‘multiple nomination’ fines
New Macau Association (NMA) board member Paul Chan Wai Chi yesterday urged the Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) to clearly explain to the general public the concepts of “multiple nominations” and “multiple candidatures”.Chan, accompanied by several members, spoke to reporters in Areia Preta Park in response to two “multiple nomination” cases announced by the committee last week.The Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) said on Wednesday
May 22, 2017 | BY admin
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New crash helmet rule hard to enforce: Forum
Panellists and members of the audience at yesterday’s Macau Forum urged the government to reconsider simplifying the enforcement of the government’s new crash helmet regulation which will take effect in less than a month.The weekly open-air debate is hosted by government-owned broadcaster TDM in Areia Preta Park every Sunday.In order to regulate the safety standards of the protective headgear, Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On promulgated an executive order on June 13 last year, which
May 22, 2017 | BY admin
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Volunteers clean up Areia Preta
About 20 volunteers of the local branch of the International WeLoveU Foundation cleaned up some parts of Areia Preta district yesterday.According to the foundation’s website, WeLoveU reaches out to those suffering from war, famine, natural disasters and other tragedies. It says the foundation has more than 150,000 volunteers worldwide contributing to the foundation’s environmental clean ups, disaster relief and other activities. It was founded by a woman from South Korea.Wong Man Kit, a
May 22, 2017 | BY admin
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Gaming concessions must rebid: Leong
Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tac said late last week that the government would not simply renew the city’s current gaming concessions and sub-concessions when they expire, but that it would instead launch a new bidding process.Leong made the remarks while speaking to reporters on Friday on the sidelines of a public event at Macau Tower.Macau’s three gaming concessions and three sub-concessions will expire between 2020 and 2022.Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel
May 22, 2017 | BY admin
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Taipa ‘mega terminal’ to open on June 1
The gigantic Pac On Ferry Terminal in Taipa, which was officially inaugurated yesterday, will start operating on June 1 when all the operations of the adjacent Taipa Temporary Ferry Terminal will be transferred to the new terminal, the Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA) announced yesterday.The bureau hosted an official inauguration ceremony for the mega terminal yesterday. Chief Executive Fernando Chui Sai On and Secretary for Transport and Public Works Raimundo do Rosario unveiled the
May 19, 2017 | BY admin
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Play to let audience into ‘The Nether’
Audiences who are going to see the local theatre production of award-winning “The Nether” tonight and tomorrow will crisscross between real and virtual realms where they follow a detective cracking down on paedophile activities taking place on the Internet.“The Nether” that will be staged at the Macau Cultural Centre is presented by the local Dirks Theatre Arts Association and is part of the programme for the 28th Macau Arts Festival (FAM), an annual month-long event organised by the
May 19, 2017 | BY admin
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Group holds rally for new bus stop in Ha Van
About 50 residents and members of the Ha Van District Welfare and Mutual Help Association held a rally yesterday on a footbridge in Rua do Almirante Sérgio, urging the Transport Bureau (DSAT) to set up a bus stop between Barra Terminal and The Riviera Macau residential building.Ha Van is the Chinese name for the Praia do Manduco neighbourhood in the Inner Harbour area.Most of the participants in the rally were elderly.Ha Van District Welfare and Mutual Help Association Vice President Cheong
May 19, 2017 | BY admin
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Union urges govt to give priority to local workers
A group of local construction workers, accompanied by lawmaker-cum-unionist Ella Lei Cheng I, yesterday urged the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) to ensure that local workers will always be given priority over non-locals.Briefing reporters after a closed-door meeting with DSAL Director Wong Chi Hong at the bureau, Lei said that during the meeting the union reported a number of cases where local workers were given a shorter contract duration than non-locals, and thus became unemployed sooner than
May 19, 2017 | BY admin
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Group urges govt to help promote Cantonese opera for kids
Macau Youth Cantonese Opera Development Association President Lo Hang Peng yesterday urged the government to give more support to the promotion of Cantonese opera among children and youths, as it was financially difficult for her group to promote the art form on its own.Lo made the remarks on the sidelines of a press conference at the Sin Meng Charity Association’s office in Areia Preta about an upcoming Cantonese opera event.Lo pointed out that she has been teaching Cantonese opera to local
May 19, 2017 | BY admin
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