2025 Macau Int’l Parade calls for proposals from performers: IC

2025-02-06 03:53
BY Ginnie Liang

The 2025 Macau International Parade is calling for proposals by registered local performing associations, schools, institutes and organisations until February 15, according to a Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) statement yesterday.

Organised by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the one-day parade will be held on Sunday, March 23, the statement said.

This parade, which started in 2011 and was suspended because of the COVID-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2023, and resumed in 2024, is slated to be held this year with distinctive costumes and styles, aiming to get residents and tourists singing and dancing in the streets, highlighting the unique cityscape of the Historic Centre of Macau, promoting the concept of “Love, Peace and Cultural Integration”, facilitating interactive exchanges of culture and art.

The statement said that this parade aims to further enhance Macau’s new name card of “Culture City of East Asia 2025”, and promote the spirit of “coexistence, innovation and harmony” of Macau.

The route of the parade will start at the Ruins of St. Paul’s (大三巴牌坊) and finish in Praça do Lago Sai Van (西灣湖廣場), the statement said.

A series of outreach activities will be held on the days prior to the parade, according to the statement, adding that a range of different prizes will be awarded to performers this time in order to further boost the engagement level of participating groups.

Participating groups may join the parade in four categories, namely the “Themed Parade Group”, the “Artistic Parade Group”, the “Parade of Large-Scale Artistic Installations”, and the “Special Planning Parade”, the statement said.

The parade, formerly known as “Parade through Macau, Latin City” was renamed “Macau International Parade” in 2017.

Interested individuals or groups can find more information about the upcoming parade on IC’s official website at www.icm.gov.mo.

IC calls for stall operators, workshops for spring craft market

In addition, the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) is calling for stall operators and creative handicraft workshops for this spring’s Tap Siac Craft Market slated for late April to early May, according to the bureau’s separate statement yesterday.

“Tap Siac” is the bureau’s alternate spelling for “Tap Seac”.

The bureau said that the application period is open until February 19, with applications free of charge.

The statement noted that the craft market will be held from April 24 to 27 and May 1 to 4 in Praça do Tap Seac, adding that there will be over 220 handicraft and creative gastronomy stalls.

Applicants from Macau and around the region can apply online at www5.icm.gov.mo/craftmarketV2, while those from the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan can visit www.craftmarket.gov.mo for more details.

The statement pointed out that the products proposed must be of original designs, with a minimum of 10 models available for sale, and may include both cultural and artistic experience services. Lucky draws will be set up if applications exceed the number of places.

Meanwhile, for workshops, the application form can be submitted to apply.DPICC@icm.gov.mo or in person to the Cultural Affairs Bureau in Praça do Tap Seac. Application requirements and the application form can be downloaded at www.craftmarket.gov.mo, the statement said, noting that the workshops will be chosen and assessed based on “comprehensive criteria”.

Enquiries can be made by calling IC representatives Ms Zhou or Ms Lio on 8399 6289 or 8399 6292 during office hours. 

This undated file photo provided by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) shows last year’s Macau International Parade. 


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