Yet another cat carcass found in Macau

2021-02-22 03:16
BY admin

The badly decomposed carcass of a cat was found on a patio in Rua de S. José yesterday, a reader told The Macau Post Daily.

According to the reader, who preferred to remain anonymous, members of the Bordergate Baptist Church stumbled upon the dead cat on their way to Sunday service.

The reader said that a member of the church reported the case to the hotline of the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM). The reader said that according to members of the church the carcass was still lying there at about 9 p.m. yesterday.

A number of dead cats have been found in Macau recently. IAM officials have requested a police investigation as animal abuse is suspected in several of the cases.

This photo provided by a reader shows the badly decomposed body of a cat in a patio in Rua de S. José.


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