Govt urges public to buy analgesic & antipyretic drugs ‘sensibly’

2022-12-28 03:26
BY Yuki Lei

The Pharmaceutical Supervision and Administration Bureau (ISAF) urged the public yesterday to purchase and use analgesic and antipyretic drugs “sensibly”.

An ISAF statement said that as Macau has entered its transition period of COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control measures, the number of COVID-19 infectees requiring home treatment has gradually increased, among whom some asymptomatic and mild patients may develop fever, sore throat, and muscle pain.

The statement noted that those infected with COVID-19 coming down with body pain or a fever of more than 38.5 degrees Celsius may use analgesic and antipyretic drugs for symptomatic treatment. Currently, the statement added, paracetamol (also known as acetaminophen) and ibuprofen are the main analgesic and antipyretic drugs commonly used in Macau.

Drugs containing paracetamol are mainly available as tablets or drops, according to the statement, which pointed out that the usual dosage for adults or those aged 12 or above is 500 mg orally every four to six hours, while the usual dosage for children aged 7-11 is 250 mg orally every four to six hours, and 200 mg for those aged 3-6 every four to six hours.

The statement underlined that paracetamol is very safe under normal circumstances, but residents should not take other medications containing paracetamol at the same time unless instructed by a doctor or pharmacist because of the risk of liver damage from excessive use of the drug.

Ibuprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that is mainly supplied in tablets, capsules or potions, the statement said, adding that the usual dosage for adults or those aged 12 or above is 200-400 mg orally every four to six hours, and 150-250 mg orally every six to eight hours and 100-200mg orally every six to eight hours for children aged 7-11 and 3-6 respectively.

People with kidney, liver, gastrointestinal, asthma or cardiovascular conditions should consult their doctor or pharmacist before taking ibuprofen, the statement stressed.

According to the statement, as the concentration of paracetamol and ibuprofen may vary from brand to brand, residents should calculate the correct dosage according to the concentration indicated on the drug label.

Paracetamol and ibuprofen are ingredients that have been used for decades, the statement pointed out, the manufacturing process of which is very sophisticated. Although there are small differences in the manufacturing process, the overall effectiveness of the drugs will not be affected, the statement underlined.

The statement added that all drugs approved for release on the local market must be approved by the bureau in advance and that it will ensure that the quality, safety and efficacy of drugs available on the local market meet the standards through a series of pre-market assessment and post-market regulatory measures. Therefore, the statement stressed, residents can safely use different brands of pain and fever relievers such as paracetamol or ibuprofen to reduce symptoms and discomfort caused by the novel coronavirus infection without choosing specific brands of drugs.

The government has distributed anti-COVID-19 kits containing paracetamol or ibuprofen to residents and has also provided drugs to those in need through COVID-19 community clinics, according to the statement.

In terms of the supply of drugs on the market, the statement noted, the bureau has been inspecting the city’s local pharmacies for days, pointing out that some pharmacies have new supplies of analgesic and antipyretic drugs, and there was a certain amount of stock for residents to purchase, the statement underlined. At the same time, the statement added, drug importers have promised that analgesic and antipyretic drugs will be continue to be imported into Macau to resupply the local market in the near future.

Enquiries about the sales of drugs in local pharmacies can be made by calling 8598 3522 during office hours or 8598 3504 for a 24-hour telephone recording.

Paracetamol is sold under a range of different brand names, Panadol being the most popular. Paracetamol was tried on humans for the first time by German pharmacologist Joseph von Mering in 1887. Ibuprofen was discovered by British pharmacists working for Boots in 1961. 

People queue up at a local pharmacy last Saturday. – Photo: Maria Cheang Ut Meng


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