IPM graduates share their ‘dinner creations’

2021-01-11 01:29
BY admin

A joint exhibition entitled “Let’s start our dinner” is displaying four Macau Polytechnic Institute (IPM) graduates’ creations at the 10 Fantasia gallery. 

The exhibition is co-hosted by 10 Fantasia and the St. Lazarus Church District Creative Industries Promotion Association.

The four artists are fresh Visual Arts graduates from the tertiary education institution’s School of Arts, namely Chan Kit U, Chen Xuelin, Lei Ka Kei and Pun Weng I, displaying a total of 10 pieces of work including line drawings, watercolours, oil paintings and photographs, according to a statement by 10 Fantasia.

The statement underlines that the idea of holding the exhibition came up during the foursome’s final year. 

By holding the joint exhibition the quartet hoped to present their creative ideas to the public and share and discuss their unique creative experiences with other artists, the statement noted. 

The statement points out that the main theme of the exhibition is “dinner”, implying the artists’ creations usually started at night. Directly translated, the Chinese name of the exhibition means “Today’s dinner – eyes, brains and hearts.” 

According to the statement, when the four artists created their artwork, they digested and assimilated what they saw, thought and felt. 

The exhibition is sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM) and part of 10 Fantasia’s Permanent Exhibition 2021.  

The exhibition runs until February 28 in Room B06 at 10 Fantasia. It opens daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (closed on Mondays), at 10 Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro. Admission is free. 

Photos: Camy Tam


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