Indonesian doorman rapes girlfriend: police

2021-01-18 02:54
BY admin

An Indonesian non-resident worker was arrested on Thursday for raping his girlfriend, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Chan Wun Man said at a regular press conference on Friday.

The 41-year-old suspect is surnamed Nazir.

According to Chan, the Public Security Police (PSP) notified the Judiciary Police (PJ) on Wednesday night that a 42-year-old Indonesian woman had been raped by her cohabiting boyfriend.

The duo have known each other since 2018 and rented a flat in the city centre. The victim told the police that the suspect drank at home after work on Wednesday morning, asking the victim to have sex with him. She refused. The suspect was upset and forcibly removed the victim’s clothes. When the victim shouted for help, he allegedly beat and kicked her. The suspect pinned the victim down while he was raping her.

After the incident, the victim left the flat and went to work as usual, but because of severe physical pain she went to the public Conde S. Januário Hospital Centre to seek medical treatment in the evening. The duty doctor reported the case to the PSP station at the hospital, according to Chan.

Chan said PJ officers identified Nazir and arrested him early on Thursday at his workplace in a building in Taipa. Nazir denied committing the crime, but based on the report by another doctor and the victim’s injuries, the Judiciary Police concluded that he raped the victim.

Nazir has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing a rape charge, according to Chan.


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