Man attacks stepdaughter in breakfast row: police

2021-01-20 02:48
BY admin

A stepfather was arrested last week for attacking his stepdaughter after claiming that she hadn’t had her breakfast, which she denied, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokeswoman Lei Hon Nei said at a regular press conference on Monday.

The 46-year-old jobless local suspect is surnamed Vastola. Lei said the victim’s mother married Vastola in 2016 and the trio live together in a flat in the city centre in Taipa.

According to Lei, a 12-year-old girl, who was accompanied by her aunt, reported to the Judiciary Police last Tuesday that she was attacked by her stepfather at home on Sunday (January 10). When the suspect woke up on Sunday morning, he saw the girl was playing on her smartphone in the living room and accused her of not having had her breakfast. However, the victim told him that she had already finished her breakfast. Both started to quarrel and the suspect kicked the victim’s calf in anger and grabbed her by the neck.

The victim’s mother came forward and stopped the attack. Lei said that the suspect had imposed strict discipline rules on the victim over the years and sometimes slapped her when she did not follow his instructions or answered back. The victim later told her aunt and classmates about last Sunday’s attack and decided to report the case to the police with the help of her aunt.

According to Lei, PJ officers arrested Vastola last Wednesday at their home. Vastola denied committing the crime. However, based on a physician’s injury report and statements from various parties, the Judiciary Police believe that Vastola did attack his stepdaughter.

Vastola has been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing a charge of causing bodily harm, according to Lei.

Judiciary Police (PJ) spokeswoman Lei Hon Nei poses during a regular press conference at the PJ headquarters on Monday. 

Photo: Camy Tam


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