Wet market workout flash mob to take place on Sunday

2021-01-22 03:10
BY admin

Stella & Artist Studio Director Elzira Rosário introduced yesterday a wet market-inspired workout to Macau as part of the 20th Macao City Fringe Festival during a press conference at Jao Tsung-I Academy near Praça do Tap Seac.

According to Rosário, the workout series is known as “Work Inspired Workouts – Macau Market Version”, the idea came from Taiwan in 2019 when an artist there used a childhood inspired workout as a performance by adding a cultural twist to it. Rosário said that most pupils in Macau also have to do a daily workout before class, and so she thought it would be interesting to bring this “cultural version” workout to the city.

Rosário said that four artists observed wet market vendors’ body movements and created a set of workouts based on their ways of cleaning fish and chopping meat.

She also said that the flash mob will be at the Almirante Lacerda Municipal Market (popularly known as Red Market) on Sunday at 10 a.m. and at the Camões Commercial Centre at 12 p.m. She underlined that the workout not only improves the physical condition, “but also retains the memories about the market”.

The graphic designer of the series, Tong Wai Tong, said there will also be an exhibition at the Camões Commercial Centre as the organisers will be showing illustrations and videos of the workout. She said that residents can also visit the exhibition and make their very own “workout handbook” that details the workout steps as well as the graphic designs specifically created for Macau.

For more information residents can visit www.macaucityfringe.gov.mo.

Stella & Artist Studio Director Elzira Rosário (right) and Graphic Designer Tong Wai Tong talk during a press conference at Jao Tsung-I Academy in Tap Seac yesterday. 

Photo: Prisca Tang

This undated handout photo provided by Stella & Artist shows two performers working out at a wet market in Macau.


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