Firefighters take 3,311 suspected COVID-19 patients to hospital last year

2021-01-27 02:57
BY admin

The Fire Services Bureau (CB) announced in a statement yesterday that ambulances were called out 2,551 times for COVID-19-related cases, involving 3,311 suspected COVID-19 patients.

According to the statement, last year the ambulances were called out 36,822 times, which is a 12.24 percent decrease year-on-year.

The bureau runs Macau’s ambulance service.

The statement said that the bureau recorded 809 fire incidents last year, which decreased 12.26 percent year-on-year. The statement pointed out that the main reason for the decline was that there were 69 fewer cases of fires in which a stove was left on.

The statement said that the overall decrease in fire incidents was because more residents are staying at home so fewer people are forgetting to turn off their stoves. The statement added that fewer tourists visiting Macau is the reason why ambulances are not being called out as often.

The statement also said that the bureau has been actively engaged in fire prevention and COVID-19 prevention education work, adding that the bureau has been doing promotion work through television and radio broadcasts, newspapers, street light boxes, and social media platforms. The statement said that the bureau has also invited community groups for meetings so that it can learn more about different communities’ specific situations.

The statement noted that it held 102 fire prevention talks last year, which 7,599 people attended. The bureau also held 28 fire drills in which 780 people participated and had 865 promotion activities which gave out 76,303 posters and flyers.

The statement said that prior to Chinese New Year, the bureau is cooperating with the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC) to visit temples for fire security checks and increase awareness of fire prevention matters.

The statement also urged residents to pay more attention to the dangers of carbon monoxide positioning, adding that residents should ensure good ventilation when showering with gas water heaters or cooking with gas stoves.

When facing any fire-related incidents, residents should call the bureau’s emergency hotlines 2857 2222, 119 or 120.

This photo taken in 2019 near Flower City Garden in Taipa shows three fire engines during an operation by the Fire Services Bureau (CB). 

Photo: Prisca Tang


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