Former Macau Foundation president Ng Wing Lok passes away at 90

2021-01-28 03:12
BY admin

Former president of Macau Foundation Vitor Ng Wing Lok passed away on Sunday at the age of 90.

The Macau Foundation extended its condolences in a statement yesterday and thanked him for all his hard work at the Macau Foundation during his time as president.

According to the statement, Ng handled the merger between the Macau Foundation and the former Macau Cooperation and Development Foundation, and was appointed as the first president of the new Macau Foundation in 2001, and held the position until 2010. The statement pointed out that as the president Ng led the Macau Foundation to enhance Macau’s cultural, social, economic, scientific, academic and philanthropic development. The statement said that Ng had set up the crucial direction for the foundation’s development.

The statement said that Ng especially cared for youth education, adding that during his presidency he was actively involved in the government’s project build the Macau Science Centre and became the first Chairman of the Macau Science Centre Ltd. The statement also said that Ng helped out in many Macau Foundation events such as hosting a celebration event for the defeat of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), special events for the 5th and 10th anniversary of Macau’s return to the motherland, and a fundraising event for the 2008 Sichuan earthquake.

The statement stress that Ng’s patriotism was admirable, adding that the foundation extends its deepest condolences to his family.

Vitor Ng Wing Lok poses after receiving the Gold Lotus in 2014. 

Photo Courtesy TDM 


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