The Public Security Police (PSP) arrested three secondary school students on Tuesday for stealing mobile phones on two separate occasions at a basketball court and later reselling the two devices in the mainland for 600 yuan and 3,000 yuan, respectively.
According to a regular police press conference on Friday, the two teenage victims left their phones unattended on benches at two basketball courts on the peninsula while they played last Saturday and Sunday respectively, one of them reporting a loss of 18,000 patacas.
With the assistance of the citywide CCTV surveillance system and footage from the basketball courts, the Public Security Police identified the three suspects as underage males surnamed Lam, Lei, and Ip, who are classmates.
The Public Security Police intercepted Lam on Rua Seis do Bairro Iao Hon (祐漢新村第六街), and summoned Lei and Ip to a PSP station on Tuesday.
Under questioning, Lam admitted to collaborating with Lei and Ip in the thefts, saying that one sale earned them 620 yuan, while they got 3,000 yuan for the other one. For their roles in both cases, he added, Lei and Ip received “commission” of 20 yuan and 300 yuan, respectively, for transferring the income from the sales of the two stolen phones to Lam.
The trio’s cases have been transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) and the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ) for further action and follow-up.