MGTO moves to economy portfolio

2021-02-01 03:14
BY admin

The Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) moves from the Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture portfolio to the Secretariat for Economy and Finance portfolio today.

Secretary for Administration and Justice André Cheong Weng Chon, who is also the spokesman for the government’s top advisory Executive Council, made the announcement during a press conference at Government Headquarters on Friday.

The Macau Government Tourism Office – which in spite of its English name is not an office but a bureau – had been a part of the portfolio of the Secretariat for Social Affairs and Culture since the establishment of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) in December 1999.

From today, the Macau Government Tourism Office is now part of the portfolio of Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong, who among others also oversees the gaming sector.

Analysts say that having both tourism and gaming under the supervision of the same policy secretariat makes sense as both areas are closely linked.

Administrative reform is one of the major policies of Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng’s governance.

The MGTO move to the Secretariat for Economy and Finance portfolio has been made by amendments to the organisational structure of the MSAR government, according to Cheong.

The Macau government has five secretariats, namely administration and justice, economy and finance, security, social affairs and culture, and transport and public works.

Portfolio moves of 3 public funds

In addition to the MGTO portfolio move, the amendments announced by Cheong on Friday, which take effect today, also include moving several public funds from the direct supervision of the chief executive to the portfolio of the respective secretariats whose entities have been providing administrative and technical support for the funds since their respective inceptions.

Also addressing Friday’s press conference, Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) Director Kou Peng Kuan said that the Panda Fund (FP) will move to the Secretariat for Administration and Justice portfolio, while the Fisheries Development and Support Fund (FDAP) will be transferred to the Secretariat for Transport and Public Works portfolio, and the Science and Technology Development Fund (FDCT) will move to the Secretariat for Economy and Finance portfolio. Before today, the three public funds were directly overseen by the chief executive.

Cheong pointed out that while the Panda Fund – had been overseen by the chief executive since its inception in 2010, its administrative and technical support has been provided by the Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM), which is under his portfolio. According to the amendments announced by Cheong, the supervision of the fund has now been moved to the corresponding portfolio – which is his portfolio.

The administrative and technical support of the Fisheries Development and Support Fund – which had been overseen by the chief executive – has been provided by the Marine and Water Bureau (DSAMA) since its inception in 2007, which is under the Secretariat for Transport and Public Works portfolio.

Entity merger project

Since Ho’s administration took office in December 2019, the government has been carrying out its public entity merger project. The Energy Sector Development Office (GDSE) was merged with the Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) on January 1 this year, when the office was abolished and its functions were transferred to the bureau.

A number of public entity mergers also take effect today. The Tourism Crisis Management Office (GGCT) is merged with the Macau Government Tourism Office today, when the former is abolished and its functions are transferred to the latter.

In addition, the Higher Education Bureau (DSES) is merged with the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau (DSEJ) today, when the city’s whole education sector is now overseen by a new bureau, the Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ).

Today, the government is also restructuring the Economic Services Bureau (DSE) by adding the function of promoting the city’s scientific and technological innovation to its area of responsibility. The upgraded bureau, Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT), and the Science and Technology Development Fund start performing their respective duties “based on division of labour” today, which the government has said aims to accelerate the promotion of Macau’s industry-university-research cooperation, to promote the practical application of the city’s scientific and technological research achievements, and to realise the industrialisation and commercialisation of scientific and technological research achievements.

Now, the Economic and Technological Development Bureau and the Science and Technology Development Fund both belong to Lei’s portfolio.

Secretary for Administration and Justice André Cheong Weng Chon (left) and Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) Director Kou Peng Kuan address Friday’s Executive Council press conference at Government Headquarters about the Macau Government Tourism Office’s (MGTO) move to the Secretariat for Economy and Finance portfolio, which takes effect today. Courtesy: TDM


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