Local artist Betty Ng shares her miniature art creations

2021-02-03 02:21
BY admin

Camy Tam

        An exhibition by local artist Betty Ng Im Peng titled “Miniature Art Work”, organised by the Ark-Association of Macau Art (AAMA) and sponsored by the public Macau Foundation (FM) in conjunction with 10 Fantasia and the District Creative Industries Promotion Association of St. Lazarus Church, is being held at 10 Fantasia gallery.

The event is AAMA’s annual art programme called “Art Power Jamming”, themed “Friendship Chapter”, according to a statement by the association.

According to the association, this is the fourth exhibition of AAMA’s August 2020 – July 2021 art programme. It aims to unite local talents, to describe their own stories with their unique “language” for self-interpretation and expression of feelings, and to realise their inner self with artistic skills and sustain the cohesion among friends, the statement points out.

Ng told The Macau Post Daily yesterday in a phone interview that she is interested in microscopic objects and studied the beauty and structures in them. She learnt clay art in her spare time about ten years ago and later attended exhibitions in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Ng said the exhibition aims to promote different forms of art to all walks of life and most of her miniature artworks were made out of discarded materials such as toothpaste tube caps, wrapping paper, foam boards, drinking straws, plastic containers and the outer shell of medicine capsules.

Ng said she is a handicraft art lover and a nature lover, her creativity as well as inspirations come from nature. She established her handicraft brand “B Handmade” in 2013 and took part actively in different handicraft and creativity activities, such as Art Fair, exhibitions and educational workshops to share her inspirations and joy in art creation.

This exhibition series not only creates an exchange platform for different artists who embody different talents and artistic skills, but also lets viewers appreciate their unique artwork, according to the association’s statement.

The exhibition runs until March 19 at 10 Fantasia’s B07 hall. It opens daily from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (closed on Mondays) at 10 Calçada da Igreja de S. Lázaro. Admission is free.

Photos: Camy Tam


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