Portuguese broadcaster RTP marks CNY with series 'Ni Hao China'

2021-02-14 00:00
BY admin

   LISBON - Portugal's public broadcaster RTP started yesterday broadcasting a documentary series, called "Ni Hao China" ("Hello China"), to mark the Chinese Lunar New Year which fell on Friday.
   The series includes Macau. 
   The documentary series has been produced by RTP through a partnership with CCTV, a public service broadcaster and the largest television network in China. The series aims to present 12 of the most interesting Chinese cities to TV viewers in Portugal.
   Yesterday, two episodes were broadcast on RTP1 - the capital Beijing and the southern city of Guangzhou - revealing to the Portuguese major attractions of the cities, as well as their history, people, traditions, and gastronomy.
   According to RTP, the objective is "to make known a Chinese reality that is not always known" to people in the Portuguese world.
   "Over 12 episodes, we tour 12 Chinese cities and give voice to those who live there so that we can know how they live, how they reconcile ancient traditions with new technologies, how they deal with environmental issues, among other curiosities not always known," RTP said.
   In 2018, China and Portugal signed an agreement, according to which a team of Portuguese journalists would be sent to China and a Chinese team to Portugal, trying to show the best that each country has in terms of tourism, civil society and other points of interest.
   Over 12 episodes, "Ni Hao China" travels more than 5,000 kilometers through the cities of Beijing, Guangzhou, Macau, Nanjing, Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu, Tianjin, Qingdao, Lishui, Sanya, and Hangzhou.
   The next documentaries in the series will be broadcast on February 20 and 27, both at noon (local time). 
   The Chinese Lunar New Year started on Friday and will last until January 31, 2022.
- Xinhua, MPD


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