Xinjiang ‘genocide’ claim is a hollow sham

2021-02-25 01:44
BY admin

China Daily Editorial

        Canada’s House of Commons passed a non-binding motion on Monday, alleging that China’s treatment of the Uygur people in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region constitutes genocide. Such a baseless accusation has been heard time and again from Western countries, highlighting their intention to tarnish China’s image in the world arena.

Facts speak louder than words. What China has achieved in promoting social, economic and cultural development in Xinjiang disproves such lies.

The Uygur population in Xinjiang has more than doubled in the past 40 years, the region joined the rest of the country in eliminating absolute poverty at the end of last year, and there are 24,000 mosques in the region that ensure Uygur people’s right to religion is fully protected.

This does not conform to the picture being painted by these Western countries with their accusations of “genocide” and “religious oppression” in the region.

Not to mention that, thanks to China’s lawful counter-terrorism measures, including setting up vocational education and training centers, Xinjiang has enjoyed social stability and economic development without suffering any terrorist attack in the past four years.

Hence, anybody who respects the truth will arrive at the conclusion drawn by State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi — who told the United Nations Human Rights Council on Monday that Xinjiang is a “shining example” of China’s human rights progress.

Indeed, the region is in its best period of development with people of different ethnic groups and religious beliefs living together as equals, enjoying unity and harmony, and leading a peaceful and stable life. Those who consistently fabricate and spread lies about Xinjiang are trying to use human rights as an excuse to interfere in China’s internal affairs and block its development.

On human rights issues, there are clearly differences between Western countries and the developing world. China, as the biggest developing country, has followed a correct path in attaching the utmost importance to people’s rights to subsistence and development while systematically advancing other human rights.

As Wang reiterated on Monday, China is willing to conduct international human rights dialogues and cooperation under the principles of mutual respect and equality, so as to advance the human rights cause internationally. But it strongly opposes any double standard on human rights and using them as an excuse to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. Such malpractice does a disservice to the advancement of human rights worldwide.

The world has become well-versed in Western countries’ championing of human rights in countries besides themselves. Canada’s bid to shame China merely reflects how shameless they are in carrying out this sham.

– Courtesy China Daily


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