Mentally ill man ignores traffic lights, cuts head when police chase him

2021-02-25 02:41
BY admin

A man was injured in an incident in Rua de Sacadura Cabral yesterday morning, Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Kam Ka Kit said at a regular press conference yesterday.

According to Kam, the local man, who is in his fifties and holds a Disability Assessment Registration Card issued by the Social Welfare Bureau (IAS), has a history of mental illness.

Kam said at about 7:45 a.m. yesterday, a traffic police officer who controlled the traffic in Rua de Sacadura Cabral and Rua do Almirante Costa Cabral saw a man failing to heed the traffic lights while he was crossing the road. The officer approached the man to admonish him. The man suddenly became emotional and took out a utility knife which he pointed at the police officer.

According to Kam, the officer immediately kept a safe distance from the man, telling him to stop pointing the knife at him. The man responded by running away. While the policeman gave chase the man crashed into a roadside railing where he sustained a bloody head injury. Kam said it was not immediately known whether it was the railing or the knife that caused the injury.

The police officer kept the man under control with the assistance of an off-duty police officer who happened to be in the area. The police officer called an ambulance which rushed the man to the public Conde de S. Januário Hospital Centre for treatment, Kam said.

According to Kam, the man’s head wound required stitches but he was conscious and able to talk during the emergency treatment, after which he was hospitalised for observation.

Kam said the case is still under investigation.

Public Security Police (PSP) spokesman Kam Ka Kit poses during a regular press conference at a PSP press room in Zape yesterday. Photo: Camy Tam


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