FM Commissioner's Office in Macau backs NPC agenda for HK

2021-03-06 15:36
BY admin

MACAO, March 5 (Xinhua) -- The Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China in the Macao Special Administrative Region (SAR) on Friday voiced firm backing of the agenda concerning the Hong Kong SAR at the annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature.

A draft decision on improving the electoral system of the Hong Kong SAR was submitted on Friday at the fourth annual session of the 13th NPC for deliberation.

The move is to provide solid institutional guarantee for fully implementing the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong," said a spokesperson of the office.

The existing electoral system in the HKSAR has obvious loopholes, which had been repeatedly taken advantage of by anti-China disruptors, instigators of Hong Kong unrest and local radical separatist forces, who were backed and instigated by external forces, to challenge the constitutional order of the HKSAR and seize jurisdiction over the HKSAR, noted the spokesperson.

Such acts and activities severely jeopardized national sovereignty and seriously undermined Hong Kong's social stability. The NPC's deliberation on the draft decision is is an exercise of the authority and duty of the central authorities within the framework of the Constitution and the HKSAR Basic Law, which has won positive response and support from all walks of life in Hong Kong, said the spokesperson.

The central authorities have unswerving resolution and confidence in adhering to "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy, the spokesperson said, adding that the NPC taking necessary measures to eradicate hidden dangers and risks regarding the systems and mechanisms will help genuinely implement the administration of Hong Kong by Hong Kong people with patriots as the main body.

The spokesperson stressed that improving the electoral system in the HKSAR is entirely China's internal affair, which allows no interference from any foreign government, organization or individual.

All walks of life in the Macao SAR have deep roots in patriotic traditions with the core value of love for the country and the SAR taking the mainstay in Macao society, noted the spokesperson, voicing confidence that the principle of "patriots administering Macao" will definitely be fully implemented.

The office promised to persist in fully and accurately implementing the "one country, two systems" principle, strictly adhere to the Constitution and the Macao SAR Basic Law, resolutely safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests and create a sound external environment for the enduring success of "one country, two systems" with Macao characteristics.


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