Govt vows to study innovation in public admin

2016-06-20 08:00
BY admin

Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tac said yesterday it was important for the various public entities in the city to always be innovative so that the government will be able to better meet residents’ needs.

The policy secretary also said it was important to encourage public entities not to be afraid of making mistakes so that they will be more capable of launching innovative public administration practices, adding, “We will discuss the issue with other colleagues in public administration.”

Leong made the remarks during a forum at the Macau Science Centre in Nape. The forum has been organised by the Macau Development Strategy Research Centre annually since 2002 about how to facilitate Macau’s development. The theme of the one-day forum varies every year and yesterday’s focus was on facilitating innovation. 

Secretary for Economy and Finance Lionel Leong Vai Tac speaks during yesterday’s innovation forum at the Macau Science Centre in Nape. Photo: Tony Wong

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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