2,200 locals accepted by Taiwan universities

2016-06-21 08:00
BY admin

Around 2,200 local applicants have been accepted by Taiwanese higher education institutions starting from the new academic year, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office Director-General Lu Chang-shui said yesterday.

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of a public event at The Plaza Restaurant in Zape, Lu said he expected half of the successful applicants to study in their undergraduate or postgraduate programmes in Taiwan in September. The number of applicants admitted this year was “more or less the same” as last year, Lu added.

Asked by reporters whether the government changes in Taiwan last month would affect Taiwan-Macau relations, Lu said the Taiwanese administration always attached great importance to the relationship between Taiwan and Macau regardless of which party was in power. “Our new administration has been in office for a full month. [The new government] also cares about the continuing development of the Taiwan-Macau relationship.”

Lu Chang-shui, who heads the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Macau, speaks to reporters yesterday on the sidelines of a reception hosted by the property sector at The Plaza Restaurant in Zape. Photo: Davis Ip

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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