MGTO’s revamped ‘Travel Stimulation Programme’ to cover sports travel

2021-04-27 03:27
BY admin

The Macau Government Tourism Office (MGTO) said in a statement yesterday that it will launch a revamped “Travel Stimulation Programme” on Saturday, which will expand its coverage to sports travel.

According to the statement, the programme will be renewed to diversify the provenience of visitor arrivals and revive the city’s tourism and economy in accordance with the local government’s intention of enhancing concerted development between tourism and other industries and deepening cross-sector integration.

The statement said that the previous version of the programme covered activities such as wedding and student travel, but the revamped programme will also be covering sports travel activities as well. The statement pointed out that the extension aims to encourage more visitors to join or organise sports events in Macau.

The statement underlined that besides revitalising the economy in local communities, the programme will also provide visitors with a wider range of support items such as offering cultural experiences and culinary tours.

For more information about the revamped version of the programme, one can visit

This is the MGTO poster promoting its revamped ‘Travel Stimulation Programme’.


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