Govt mulls wastewater plant capacity study: official

2016-06-23 08:00
BY admin

The Environmental Protection Bureau (DSPA) plans to start a study later this year on how to raise the capacity of the Macau Peninsula Wastewater Treatment Plant, DSPA Environment Infrastructure Management Centre Functional Head Stephen Ip Weng Kei told reporters yesterday. 

A committee formed by DSPA officials, which is in charge of the bidding process for the plant’s operating and maintenance concession, held a meeting yesterday at the bureau to unseal and screen the documents received from four bidders.

The opening of the bids was originally scheduled for June 7, but it was cancelled because a company had lodged an application to the Administrative Court to suspend the public tender process, Ip said, adding that the bureau had already “followed up” the application to suspend the tender.

This photo taken earlier this month shows the troubled Macau Peninsula Waste Water Treatment Plant in Kam Hoi San district. Photo: Ian Sio Tou

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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