7 groups submit final lists of candidates, political platforms

2017-07-07 08:05
BY admin
Grassroots New Macau Association (NMA) Vice-President Sulu Sou Ka Hou, lawmakers Jose Pereira Coutinho and Leong Veng Chai, Macau Civic Power (ECM) Chairwoman Agnes Lam Iok Fong, labour rights activist Lee Sio Kuan and lawyer Hong Weng Kuan submitted their respective groups’ final lists of candidates and political platforms yesterday to the Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Committee (CAEAL) for the upcoming direct legislative election by popular vote.
Two groups headed by indirectly elected lawmakers Chan Hong and Ho Iat Seng respectively also handed in their group’s political platforms and final lists of candidates for their indirect-election bids in the education and the commerce and finance sectors respectively.
The direct and indirect legislative elections will take place on September 17. A record 25 groups are running in the direct election. Elections in Macau must always be held on a Sunday.

Grassroots New Macau Association (NMA) Vice-President Sulu Sou Ka Hou (first row, fourth from right), Paul Chan Wai Chi (first row, fourth from left) and fellow candidates of the New Macau Progressives and NMA members pose yesterday at the Public Administration Building in Rua do Campo. Photo: Debby Seng

Lawmaker Jose Pereira Coutinho (fourth from right) hands his group’s political platform and final list of candidates to an official of the Public Administration and Civil Service Bureau (SAFP) yesterday at the Public Administration Building in Rua do Campo, as fellow lawmaker Leong Veng Chai (fifth from left) and fellow candidates of New Hope look on. Photo: MPDG

Macau Civic Power (ECM) Chairwoman Agnes Lam Iok Fong (third from left), Steven Cheong Chi Hong (second from right) and fellow candidates and supporters of Civil Watch pose yesterday at the Public Administration Building. Photo: Debby Seng

Labour rights activist Lee Sio Kuan (centre) and fellow candidates of Ou Mun Kong I (“Macau Righteousness”) pose yesterday at the Public Administration Building. Photo: Debby Seng

Lawyer Hong Weng Kuan (centre) and fellow candidates of the United Citizens for Construction of Macau Association pose yesterday at the Public Administration Building. Photo: MPDG

Indirectly elected lawmaker Chan Hong (sixth from left) and her supporters pose yesterday at the Public Administration Building. Photo: MPDG

Ho Iat Seng (second from left), the legislature’s president, Kou Hoi In (second from right), Jose Chui Sai Peng (first from left), Ip Sio Kai (first from right) and the Union of Macau Business Interests’ official representative Hoi Sai Iun, an ex-lawmaker and veteran businessman, pose yesterday at the Public Administration Building. Photo: MPDG



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