Police probe suspected homicide in Cotai hotel

2021-05-10 03:14
BY admin

The Judiciary Police (PJ) are investigating the suspected homicide of a woman from the mainland whose body was found in a guestroom of a hotel in Cotai on Friday.

According to a Public Security Police (PSP) statement on Friday, the woman was found dead in a guestroom on the 31st floor of the Venetian hotel in the afternoon of that day.

A PJ statement on Friday night identified the victim as a 50-year-old surnamed Huang.

According to the PJ statement, the Judiciary Police received a report from the Fire Services Bureau (CB) at around 4:15 p.m. on Friday that a woman had been found dead in a guestroom of a casino-hotel in Cotai.

After a preliminary examination of the body, the statement said, PJ officers found “unusual” wounds on the victim’s head and neck. As the officers found the cause of the woman’s death suspicious, they “immediately launched a serious crime scene examination and investigation”, the statement said.

According to the statement, the Judiciary Police (PJ) have classified the case as suspected homicide. The exact cause of the woman’s death has yet to be determined by an official autopsy.

The Chinese-language Macao Daily News reported that the case possibly involved illegal currency-exchange activities on the fringes of the casinos sector.

If Friday’s case is confirmed as a homicide, it would be Macau’s first this year.

Two homicides were recorded in Macau last year.

A homicide case that occurred in February 2019, which was solved later the same month, involved casino-related illegal currency-exchange businesses.

The local police reported two homicides in 2019.

Judiciary Police (PJ) officers put boxes containing evidence collected from the suspected homicide crime scene into the boot of a PJ car outside the Venetian hotel in Cotai on Friday. Photo: Iong Tat Choi


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