EU sends election observation mission to East Timor

2022-02-24 03:19
BY admin

BRUSSELS – In response to an invitation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Timor-Leste, the European Union has decided to deploy an EU Election Observation Mission (EOM) to the presidential elections scheduled for March 19, the European Commission said in a statement on Tuesday.

Timor-Leste is the official name of the half-island nation of East Timor north of Australia.

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell has appointed Domenec Ruiz Devesa, a member of the European Parliament, as chief observer for this mission, the statement said.

The statement quoted Borrell as saying that “the deployment of an electoral observation mission underscores the European Union’s continued support for Timor-Leste’s efforts towards its further democratic consolidation. A high number of candidates will compete for the presidential race. The upcoming elections will provide an opportunity for the country’s leadership to ensure the necessary inclusiveness, transparent and fair information, accountability and policy-oriented politics.”

Chief Observer Ruiz Devesa was quoted as saying: “I am very pleased to have been entrusted by High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell with the responsibility of leading this EU EOM. An EU EOM aims to make a positive contribution to the process, by providing an independent and impartial assessment of the electoral process against international standards. I look forward to meeting and engaging with Timor-Leste authorities, political parties, candidates and other stakeholders”.

The statement pointed out that the EU previously also deployed election observation missions to Timor-Leste for the 2002, 2007, 2012, and 2017 elections. An expert mission was deployed in 2018 for early parliamentary elections.

This time the EU Election Observation Mission to Timor-Leste is composed of different groups of observers. The Core Team of the EU EOM consists of 8 election experts and will arrive in Dili in the middle of this month. At the end of this month, 26 long-term observers will join the mission to be deployed across the country. Around 26 locally-recruited short-term observers will reinforce the mission on election day. The EU EOM will remain in the country until the completion of the electoral process, the statement added.

In line with the EU methodology on election observation, according to the statement, the mission will issue a preliminary statement and hold a press conference in Dili after the elections. “Once the entire electoral process is concluded, the mission will publish a final report, including a set of recommendations for future electoral processes, which will be presented and shared with stakeholders,” the statement said.

– Courtesy of reliefweb


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