Forum urges govt to ask for more proof on Taishan plant safety

2016-06-27 08:00
BY admin

During yesterday’s Macau Forum, guest speakers urged the local government to ask its Guangdong counterpart to provide more proof about the safety of the under-construction Taishan Nuclear Power Plant.

Also attending the forum, Iu Chong Hin, an official from the Public Security Co-ordination Office, said that Macau’s then Portuguese administration had made contingency plans in 1995 for any nuclear accident which may happen in Guangdong, soon after the Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant started operating.

Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant, the first nuclear plant in the province, started operating in 1994 and is roughly 50 kilometres north-east of Hong Kong.

Iu Chong Hin (centre), a representative from the Public Security Co-ordination Office, speaks during yesterday’s Macau Forum in Areia Preta Park while Macau University of Science and Technology’s (MUST) Macau Environmental Research Institute Director Wang Zhishi (first from right), think thank Choi In Tong Sam Vice President Ron Lam U Tou (second from right), Guangdong and Macau Federation of Industry and Commerce President Jaman Wong Ian Man (second from left) and Macau Radiation Protection Association Vice-president Ma Chi Ieong look on.  Photo: Tony Wong

Please read the full article in our print edition.


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