E-consumption fund spending starts tomorrow

2021-05-31 03:21
BY admin

The Economic and Technological Development Bureau (DSEDT) and Monetary Authority of Macau (AMCM) are reminding residents that they can start spending their e-consumption benefits tomorrow.

In a statement yesterday, DSEDT and Consumer Council (CC) officials went to various neighbourhoods to give out fliers to shops, urging them to strictly abide by the benefit plan’s regulations.

The statement said that the Consumer Council also posted QR codes of the “Consumidor Online” website outside shops so that residents can complain about shops violating the e-consumption benefit plan’s regulations. The statement stressed that shops are not allowed to cancel the benefit plan on their own accord or have abnormal price increases during the benefit plan.

Another statement by the two bureaus yesterday said that the deadline for using the fund is December 31, pointing out that they have released different videos for residents to familiarise themselves with the scheme. The statement also stressed that for those who want to continue to use the remainder of the immediate discount grant after the startup fund is used, they can top up the e-consumption smartcard after the balance reaches 10 patacas or below.

This undated handout photo provided by DSEDT and ACMC yesterday shows their officials visiting shops and giving out fliers to shop staff about the upcoming e-consumption benefit plan.


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