3 snapping turtles found by IAM staff

2021-06-17 03:13
BY admin

Three snapping turtles have been found in Nam Van Lake and the Outer Harbour Reservoir by Municipal Affairs Bureau (IAM) staff, an IAM statement said yesterday.

According to the statement, recent media reports alerted the bureau about snapping turtles having been seen in artificial water bodies, and they were finally found after an extensive search.

The statement said that after having been examined by the bureau’s veterinarians, the turtles have been classified as a juvenile and the other two are adults. The statement said that the turtles are in poor health, adding that they are suffering from malnutrition, a skin condition, and their carapaces are rotten and deformed. The statement said that the turtles are undergoing quarantine and medical treatment.

The statement noted that snapping turtles originate from North America. They are a meat-eating invasive species in Macau. The statement said that once they are grown, they get more aggressive and initiate attacks. The statement underlined that they have no predator in the local ecosystem, therefore they can cause harm to the natural environment.

The statement said that Macau has never allowed the importation of snapping turtles and that in Macau they only have been found in artificial water bodies, so it is deduced that they have probably been abandoned.

The bureau urged people not to abandon pets and alien species such as fish, turtles, frogs or birds, by releasing them into the natural environment. The statement also said that some believers tend to release captive animals as a religious activity but the bureau reminded residents that there is a high chance that alien species will die when they fail to adapt.

Recently, a number of different kinds of alien species abandoned by their owners have been found in Macau, such as two prairie dogs, an American bull frog, an iguana, and a number of marbled crayfish.

Meanwhile, the bureau also reminded the public that under the Animal Protection Law, any person who abandons or releases an animal into the wild faces a fine of up to 100,000 patacas.

The statement said that IAM officials will patrol more often and continue to look out for any illegal activities. The statement also said that residents who find unfamiliar animals should not try to capture or disturb them, instead they should call 2833 7676.

These undated handout photos show the three snapping turtles recently removed from Nam Van Lake and the Outer Harbour Reservoir by IAM staff.


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