School bus hits building, 5 kids hurt

2021-07-09 03:50
BY admin

A school bus hit an old building in Avenida de Almeida Ribeiro and injured five 7-year-old children yesterday, according to separate statements by the Public Security Police (PSP) and Fire Services Bureau (CB).

The statements said that at around 2:30 p.m. yesterday the school bus hit a stone pillar of an old building and injured five schoolchildren. The statements said that three boys and two girls from the government’s “Sir Robert Ho Tung” primary school were injured by broken glass from the shattered windows. The statements noted that all injured children are from Grade One and none of them were severely hurt.

According to the statement, the driver accidentally hit the pillar while turning into another street, which caused the windows to shatter and the pieces caused the children to suffer scratches. The statement pointed out that the children who were not injured were taken to their homes by another school bus.

The statements said that the Fire Services Bureau has reported the accident to the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), Lands, Public Works and Transport Bureau (DSSOPT), and Education and Youth Development Bureau (DSEDJ), and after checking the overall structure of the building, they said that the crash did not cause any structural damage to the building. The statement said that the police had put plastic bags to cover the shattered windows, adding that there were traffic tailbacks in and around the street where the accident happened.

Uninjured pupils are being escorted by police to another school bus after yesterday’s accident. Photo courtesy of TDM


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