MSAR govt, Liaison Office support Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Commission’s decision

2021-07-14 03:35
BY admin

MSAR govt, Liaison Office firmly support Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Commission’s decision

The government of the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the MSAR yesterday voiced their firm support for Macau’s Legislative Assembly Electoral Affairs Commission (CAEAL) in carrying out its duties in accordance with law and rendering some candidates unqualified to stand for election.

The commission announced yesterday that 20 candidates were rendered unqualified to stand for the direct election of the upcoming Legislative Assembly elections for having not upheld the MSAR Basic Law, or not pledging allegiance to the MSAR.

The number of candidate lists for the direct election was reduced by five from 19 to 14.

The MSAR government said that upholding the MSAR Basic Law and pledging allegiance to the MSAR are the fundamental standards for members of the Legislative Assembly, noting that it is the responsibility of the commission to examine the qualifications of candidates in accordance with the law so as to safeguard the overall interests of the MSAR and the constitutional order as stipulated in the nation’s Constitution and the MSAR Basic Law, and implement the principle of “Patriots Administering Macau.”

The local government stressed that disqualifying certain candidates does not affect the basic rights enjoyed by Macau residents in accordance with the law, the freedom of speech they enjoy, or their right to know and supervise the MSAR government’s work.

The local government vowed to continue supporting the commission in carrying out its duties in accordance with the law to ensure the steady and sustained implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” and maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Macau.

The Liaison Office said making sure that the members of the Legislative Assembly uphold the MSAR Basic Law and pledge allegiance to the MSAR is an inevitable requirement for implementing “One Country, Two Systems” and safeguarding the fundamental interests of the country and Macau.

The office stressed that the decision of the commission serves the overall and long-term interests of the MSAR and the vital interests of Macau residents, adding that the decision is of profound and lasting significance to maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Macau, guaranteeing the livelihood and well-being of Macau compatriots and promoting the steady and sustained implementation of “One Country, Two Systems” with Macau characteristics. – Xinhua, MPD


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