Collaboration with China Media Group to help promote ‘One Country, Two Systems’: Ho

2021-07-19 03:31
BY admin

Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said yesterday that the government’s close collaboration with China Media Group could help further promote Macau’s image and its unique culture to the world, and showcase the city’s successful implementation of the “One Country, Two Systems” principle with Macau characteristics, a Government Information Bureau (GCS) said in a statement.

Ho made the remarks during a ceremony held at the Services Platform Complex for Commercial and Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries in Nam Van to advance strategic cooperation between China Media Group and the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR). The ceremony was jointly presided over by Ho and Shen Haixiong, vice-minister of the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and president of China Media Group.

China Media Group is the nation’s most important company as far as radio and television broadcasting is concerned. It was founded in 2018 as a national holding firm for China Central Television (CCTV), China National Radio (CNR), and China Radio International (CRI).

According to yesterday’s statement, a number of deals were signed, including an agreement on the broadcasting in Macau of a series of China Media Group’s original productions based on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC, and an agreement authorising government-owned broadcaster TDM to broadcast both the Tokyo 2020 Olympics, which begin on Friday, and the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

Ho said that the broadcasting of the CPC-themed productions by TDM would help Macau’s audience gain an all-round comprehension of the Party’s endeavours over the past 100 years, aiming to inspire local residents and promote their love for the country and for Macau.

Ho added that last year Macau and China Media Group signed a cooperation agreement, pointing out that this year’s agreement marks the further deepening of collaboration between the two parties. He underlined that the close collaboration arrangement will enable Macau residents to feel the central government’s support and care.

Ho said that authorising TDM to broadcast the Tokyo Olympics means that people in Macau will be able to feel the athletes’ determination which could inspire local residents to be united during the COVID-19 pandemic and to revitalise Macau’s socioeconomic development.

Ho also said that the University of Macau and China Media Group Asia-Pacific headquarters will launch collaboration in multiple areas such as enhancing the higher education institutions’ academic programmes in communication and training more professionals in the field.

Meanwhile, the statement said that after signing the agreement for granting TDM non-exclusive broadcasting rights for the two Games, Shen pointed out that “the Tokyo event is starting in five days and the Beijing event will be starting in about six months. China Media Group is fully prepared – including by making use of new technologies – to provide audiences with an immersive experience of both events. Authorisation to TDM to broadcast the Olympics and Winter Olympics aims to make available to the Macau public a high-quality transmission of both competitions, while allowing people in the city to enjoy the glory of the country’s development.”

Shen also said that the broadcasting of the CPC centenary anniversary productions is part of the central government’s “favourable measures” towards Macau, namely with respect to supporting the city’s g further integration into national development. He said that one of the productions mentions CPC General Secretary Xi Jingping’s speeches on Macau. Shen also said he hoped that the series of TV programmes would help Macau residents understand the CPC’s development journey and achievements, therefore helping local residents to affirm their love for the country and Macau. He also underlined that the aim of the collaboration is to promote joint development between the mainland and Macau.

The event was attended by dozens of senior officials from Macau and the mainland including Liaison Office Director Fu Ziying and Foreign Ministry Commissioner Liu Xianfa.

Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng addresses yesterday’s ceremony held to advance strategic collaboration between China Media Group and the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR). Photo: GCS


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