Couple nabbed for people smuggling, aiding & abetting illegal immigration

2021-07-30 03:42
BY admin

A local man and a mainland woman were arrested yesterday morning at their home in Taipa for people smuggling and aiding and abetting illegal immigration, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Ho Chan Nam said at a special press conference yesterday.

The 36-year-old local man surnamed Lei told the police that he has been working as a casino VIP room public relations staff member in Cotai for three years, while his 35-year-old unemployed wife is an illegal immigrant from the mainland who clandestinely entered Macau in 2018.

According to Ho, the Judiciary Police, the Macau Customs Service and the mainland’s Public Security Bureau (PSB) took action in April last year when they smashed a people smuggling gang and arrested seven illegal immigrants near the Macau Tower shoreline. When the Judiciary Police continued their investigation into the case, they discovered that a man and a woman were acting as lookouts near the pick-up point who used communication apps to tell their “clients” what to do.

Ho said the Judiciary Police identified the duo and arrested them at their home in Taipa yesterday morning. Under questioning, Lei told the police that he only took his wife to the pick-up point on that day, but refused to tell the police further details, while Lin admitted to assisting a gang in smuggling clients to and from Macau at least twice, receiving 1,400 yuan each time for her “service”.

Ho said Lei and Lin married in 2006 and have a daughter. Lin initially came to Macau on a visitor’s permit, but she could not explain why she did not re- apply for a visitor’s permit and illegally entered Macau instead. Lin told the police that the purpose of her illegal stay in Macau was to look after their daughter. The Judiciary Police are continuing their investigation into the case, Ho said.

The couple were transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) yesterday, facing charges of organised crime as well as aiding and abetting illegal immigrants, according to Ho.

The suspected people-smuggling couple are being escorted by Judiciary Police (PJ) officers from the PJ headquarters to a PJ vehicle yesterday. Photos: Camy Tam

Evidence seized from the two people-smuggling suspects such as the clothes which the couple wore when committing the crime and three smartphones is displayed at the Judiciary Police (PJ) headquarters yesterday.


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