DSEC optimises interdepartmental cooperation ensuring smooth census

2021-07-30 03:48
BY admin

A Statistic sand Census Bureau (DSEC) statement said yesterday that in order to ensure the smooth operation of the 2021 Population Census, which will start next month, it has optimised its communication and cooperation with various public entities on the planning of the operation.

The statement said that the bureau has improved the delivery time for the notification letters to all households in Macau, data protection, implementation of COVID-19 pandemic prevention measures and the effective discharge of duties by the census officers.

According to the statement, the population census will be conducted from August 7 to 21 to collect data from more than 270,000 residential, industrial and commercial units in Macau. The statement said that the DSEC has communicated and coordinated with Macau Post and Telecommunication Bureau (CTT) to ensure that all respondents will receive the notification letter in early August. The statement also said that the census officers will collect data from households through mobile tablets, or households may complete the online questionnaire via computer or mobile phone.

The statement pointed out that digital data collection is fully implemented for this year’s population census. The statement also said that DSEC has exchanged views with the Cybersecurity Incident Alert and Response Centre (CARIC) on the technical aspects of cyber security, security of data collection system and data confidentiality. The statement underlined that a liaison mechanism between the bureau and the centre has been established and will operate on a round-the-clock basis to ensure a safe and efficient operation of the relevant systems.

The statement said that households may complete the online questionnaire between August 7 and 16 by scanning the QR code on the notification letter or questionnaire, or by visiting the webpage of the 2021 Population Census https://www.dsec.gov.mo/Censos2021, adding that, alternatively, households may schedule an appointment with the census officers by calling the Census Hotline on 8809 8809.

The statement also underlined that in order to comply with the Health Bureau’s (SSM) COVID-19 prevention measures, the census officers will undergo nucleic acid tests (NATs) and must present a negative result before August 7. The statement also listed other prevention measures that the census officers will follow such as presenting a valid Macau Health Code, having their temperature checked, wearing facemasks, keeping at least a metre away from the respondents, and cleaning their hands with alcohol hand sanitisers.

For more information about the 2021 Population Census, residents can visit https://www.dsec.gov.mo/Censos2021 or call the Census Hotline on 8809 8809.

This undated handout photo provided by the Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC) yesterday shows the 2021 Population Census envelopes.


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