DSEC urges residents to take its census online

2021-08-06 04:17
BY admin

The Statistics and Census Bureau (DSEC) is urging residents in a statement to fill in the census form online to avoid in-person contacts. 

According to yesterday’s statement, due to the latest development of the COVID-19 pandemic in Macau, the bureau decided to suspend in-person interviews and instead it is urging residents to fill in the survey online or provide phone numbers in order to reduce face-to-face contacts. 

The statement said that the decennial census will start tomorrow, adding that residents should have started receiving their census letters. The statement said that residents will have until August 27 to fill in the survey. 

The statement said that in order to fill in the survey, residents can scan the QR code on their letter or log into https://www.dsec.gov.mo/Censos2021 to provide the required information. The statement also said that the survey can also be done over the phone by giving census staff a call on the phone number in the letter. 

The statement also said that if residents want to schedule a phone interview, they can call 8809 8809. The statement said those who completed the survey by any of the above methods will automatically have a chance to win in a lucky draw. 

A separate DSEC statement earlier this week said the aim of census was to use data to reveal the city’s population structure, social and economic characteristic and how it has changed in the past decade. The statement said the data will be used as a reference for the city’s education, housing, transportation, medical and social services plans and policies. The statement also said that the census can also benefit private companies and institutions when targeting their market audience. 

The statement said that for any enquiries about the online form, one can call 8809 8809 from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m., while a voice message system is operating from 11p.m. to 9 a.m.

The statement underlined that the online platform has its own security system to ensure the safety of citizens’ data. The bureau also urged residents to be aware of fraud involving the census, adding that residents should not provide any banking information during the process.  

Two census staff are posing in their census uniforms with their gears at a press conference on Tuesday for the 2021 Census. Photo: Prisca Tang


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