DSAL receives 42 calls about red/yellow Health Code work issues

2021-08-12 03:55
BY admin

The number of residents holding a red or yellow Health Code has increased over the past few days due to the Delta variant menace so that by yesterday the Labour Affairs Bureau (DSAL) had received 42 calls from red or yellow Health Code holders about work-related problems, public broadcaster TDM reported yesterday. 

The bureau told TDM that those who are forced to undergo quarantine and not able to go to work should be considered as having a “reasonable absence”, and the employers should evaluate whether they should deduct the employees’ salaries or rearrange their annual leave. The report also said that according to the bureau yellow code holders are allowed to go to work, stressing that while employers cannot ban them from going to work, the employees cannot be absent from work because of their yellow code. The bureau said that for the latter case, the employer could consider the employee as being absent from work without justification. However, employees and employers should negotiate their own terms about this kind of situation, and if the bureau receives any complaints, it promised to make an objective judgement based on the evidence each sides provides, the report said.

A red Health Code means that the holder is undergoing quarantine. A yellow one restricts its holder’s movements, such as barring him or her from taking public transport and entering certain premises.

According to the statement, DSAL Deputy Director Chan Chon U said that as of yesterday the bureau has yet to receive any complaints regarding red or yellow holders of the Health Code but 42 people working in sectors such as services, beauty parlours or karaoke bars called to ask whether they will receive their salary. He added that so far, the data shows that the employers and employees have sufficient communication, and the bureau has already uploaded an infograph on its website about work problems under the novel coronavirus pandemic.

Meanwhile, the bureau also said that it has not received any complaints about companies forcing employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Job situation this month

Another TDM report said that the bureau noted that in July 5,632 people were registered with the bureau as looking for a job, which was a 17 percent decrease compared to March. The bureau also told TDM that the number of people who registered as unemployed decreased by 1,655 compared to July last year, while the number of people applying for an unemployment subsidy decreased by 331.

Chan said that the data shows that the number of people who are unemployed shows a downward trend, however, he was quick add that due to the recent Delta variant family cluster, the bureau will continue to monitor the changes in the employment situation.

Chan also told TDM that the bureau has yet to receive any complaints about unpaid leave. He stressed that unpaid leave required the mutual consent by employer and employee.


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