Muay Thai boxer knocks friend unconscious, victim in ICU

2021-08-18 03:38
BY admin

A Thai man was arrested for knocking a friend unconscious with a single punch, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lou Chan Fai said at a special press conference yesterday.

The 26-year-old jobless Thai suspect is surnamed Wongchan. Lou said that the suspect had won Muay Thai competitions in the past. The victim is a 25-year-old Thai compatriot.

According to Lou, the Public Security Police (PSP) referred the case for a follow-up investigation to the Judiciary Police on Monday morning.

According to the initial report by the Public Security Police, a Thai man knocked a compatriot unconscious with a single punch during a Thai woman’s birthday party in the early hours of that day. There were two dozen guests including the victim and the suspect at the party held in a restaurant in the northern district. At about 5 a.m., some of them including the suspect and the victim were smoking outside the restaurant after drinking. The suspect and the victim quarrelled over previous love affairs. Lou did not elaborate.

Wongchan suddenly punched his friend in the temple. The victim immediately fell to the ground unconscious. Wongchan left the scene at once and the victim was rushed to hospital.

Lou said a doctor diagnosed that the victim sustained a temporal bone fracture and intracranial haemorrhage. He required a craniotomy and was still in the ICU yesterday.

According to Lou, the Judiciary Police identified Wongchan as the suspect and arrested him on Monday evening in a flat of a residential building near A-Ma Temple. Wongchan refused to cooperate with the police. The Judiciary Police are continuing their investigation into the case.

Wongchan was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP), facing a charge of causing grievous bodily harm, according to Lou.

The Muay Thai suspect is being escorted by Judiciary Police (PJ) officers from the PJ headquarters to a PJ vehicle yesterday. Photo: Camy Tam


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