Son attacks elderly father after drinking

2021-08-19 03:54
BY admin

A local man was arrested on Saturday for attacking his 63-year-old father earlier that day, Judiciary Police (PJ) spokesman Lou Chan Fai said at a press conference yesterday.

The 31-year-old suspect, a single parent surnamed Ieong, told the police that he works as an engineering assistant.

According to Lou, the Public Security Police (PSP) notified the Judiciary Police on Saturday afternoon about a case in which a son attacked his father. The suspect lives in a flat in the city centre while his two-year-old daughter and parents live in the adjacent flat.

Lou said the suspect and the victim have a poor relationship, and both often quarrelled over financial issues. Lou said that Ieong went to his parents’ flat at about 5 a.m. on Saturday after drinking and his noise woke up his daughter.

When the victim comforted his granddaughter, Ieong scolded him and they then both left the flat and went outside the building and quarrelled. Ieong suddenly punched his father and a passer-by called the police to report the case. The victim sustained an eye injury and was taken to a hospital for out-patient treatment.

Lou said that the Judiciary Police checked Ieong’s police record and discovered that he had attacked his father in January when the victim sustained minor injuries, after which the case had been closed. Lou said that Ieong often asked his parents for money, and they always quarrelled.

Ieong was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Monday, facing a charge of causing bodily harm, according to Lou.


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