Drunk driver sleeps on pavement

2021-08-27 04:15
BY admin

A local man was arrested on Sunday for drunk driving (DUI) in Zape earlier that day, Public Security Police (PSP) spokeswoman Erica Cheong Im Sim said at a press briefing on Wednesday.

The 25-year-old suspect surnamed Choi told the police that he works in the catering industry.

According to Cheong, a resident reported to the Public Security Police at about 6 a.m. on Sunday that a car was parked at the junction of Avenida do Dr Rodrigo Rodrigues and Avenida da Amizade and that the driver, whom he or she suspected to be drunk, repeatedly stepped on the car’s accelerator thus creating a loud noise. Cheong did not reveal the resident’s gender.

PSP traffic officers went to the scene and found a car with the engine running but no one was in the vehicle.

Cheong said that the officers later found a man sleeping on the pavement in Avenida do Dr Rodrigo Rodrigues. The officers woke the man up and questioned him. The officers noticed that Choi reeked of alcohol therefore conducted a breathalyser test which showed that Choi’s alcohol concentration was 1.58 grammes of alcohol per litre of blood. Choi was taken to a police station for further questioning.

Upon questioning, Choi admitted that he had been drinking in a bar nearby earlier that night. Choi also said that he was the owner of the car but denied DUI and claimed that he couldn’t remember why he parked his car at the junction. Thanks to CCTV footage from the area, PSP officers discovered that Choi drove to the scene at about 5:30 a.m., after which he got out of the car. No one else was there until the officers arrived, according to Cheong.

Choi was transferred to the Public Prosecutions Office (MP) on Monday, facing DUI charges, according to Cheong.

Public Security Police (PSP) spokeswoman Cheong Im Sim looks Wednesday’s press conference at the Judiciary Police (PJ) headquarters. Photo: Camy Tam


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